Sunday 21 January 2024

It's too damn hot!

 It may be very cold in the UK and bits of the canal may be frozen over and the new owners of Waka Huia may be considering fitting a firebox, but here in Waikanae it is too damn hot!!

We have resorted to using the heat pump's other function - air-conditioning. 

We have also decided we need to get another unit fitted - we have one in the lounge dining, and we need one in our bedroom.

I know many people will tell me that 29 or 30 deg isn't hot, and I know my lovely sister is visiting friends up in the Far North where it was 29 deg on the day she arrived.

But for me (and for ACP) it is too damn hot - even at 24 deg!

I have been going out for a walk early in the last couple of mornings and it's pleasant at about 7am. By 8am it's getting hot and humid.

On Saturday we went out for breakfast up in Waikanae and David and I walked there. It started to rain during breakfast and the guys offered us a ride home, but we refused the kind offer. I just loved walking home in the rain. It felt wonderful!


Jo B said...

Totally agree M. Too hot indeed especially trying to sleep at night time!!!

Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

I find the daytime tougher, Jo B - the sunshine ...