Friday 5 January 2024

A quiet start to the new year

 After driving well over 2000 kms since 11 November, I was a bit tired (understatement) and so I had a few days of blobbing when we arrived home. Blobbing interspersed with clearing out the motorhome; but to be honest, I did leave most of that to ACP.

About the extent of my contribution was washing anything and everything that may need it, and considering that happened using the washing machine, I can hardly take credit for even 40% of the efforts. I did, however, wash the outside of the motorhome. We had given the bottom half a couple of quick washes while away when it looked too dusty/muddy/messy to put up with; but once it was home it had a full clean apart from the roof - I didn't feel up to climbing the ladder under the scrutiny of Parkwood residents. We are apparently not meant to have ladders here...

We had a lovely New Year celebration at Robert and Glenn's - we had set it up back before we headed away and together we had determined that it would be from 5.30pm to 9pm and the new year could see itself in without our help. So after a pot luck dinner contributed to by Gary, Bruce and David R, Robert and Glenn, and ACP and me, and a fair amount of hilarity, with Brian and Robin joining  us,we headed home before it was even dark! Gosh, that felt good!

On New Year's Day we had Rob and Brian come for lunch. So cool to see them - Rob used to be our gardener back when we lived in Johnsonville and continued to be so when we moved to Rata St in Waikanae. It was Rob who did all the amazing work of turning the jungle into a beautiful garden, along with Luke's contribution of chainsawing down the excess trees that had no space to grow. Rob only stopped doing our garden when he went off to become a nurse - a late career change but a good one.

It was a beautiful day so we ate outside. Vegetable curry (kumara, pumpkin, cauli, peas and chickpea), rice, and a few side dishes (cucumber raita; banana lemon juice and coconut; chopped tomato and onion) and a couple of chutneys. And for dessert I made a nectarine galette - very yummy.

Rob, Brian and David under the umbrella on our patio. Mel is at the head of the table...

Yesterday I went to Churton Park to see Michelle and have my hair cut. Not spiky this time - my hair had got so long between the last cut back in early November and yesterday, that there was opportunity to try a different style. I am a trifle worried that it is a bit soft - I dread to think anyone will think I've had a personality change ...

I cannot keep my eyes fully open when I smile, dammit!


And in the afternoon, we had Joy and Autry come for afternoon tea, and not long before they were due to arrive, Grahame Bilby phoned - he was home early from his trip to Auckland. So he came too. Joy and Autry used to live up the road from us in Johnsonville and we both ran our houses as B&Bs and we shared guests. They moved up to Waikanae before us and when we were in Rata St, we were about one kilometre from them. Now we are just a bit further away. Cheese scones and chocolate brownie, lots of chat. The three guests had met before at Rata St and all 3 had beautiful gardens. Grahame and his late wife Joy were on the Waikanae Garden Trail one year before they moved into Parkwood, and Autry and Joy are on it again later this month - I think I'll go and visit them before the trail begins...

Today we had Judy come to visit - Judy is our bike accident friend who is rehabilitating in the Acquired Brain Injury Unit at Kenepuru in Porirua. Jim has gone home to Onaero for a sabbatical and Steph, one of their lovely daughters, is over from Adelaide. Steph brought Judy out for lunch and lots of chat.

Lunch was a veg curry pie with coleslaw, and beetroot and carrot salad. Dessert, after Judy had had a nap and Steph and I went out for a wander and called in on Peter, was roasted nectarines and peaches with cream. Judy is doing very well in her recovery but it is a long road. She is such a stoic.

It was lovely to meet Steph - that apple hasn't fallen far from the tree, that is for sure! Such a neat woman. Quiet and shy, just like her mum and me ...


Jenny said...

Quiet and shy, just like me, you say in jest!

Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

I think you may be right, Jenny ...