I thought it would be good to have a first person update from the team in St John's Town of Dalry in Scotland, so I asked Karol to write a blogpost for me about how he, Olek and Marta have felt and coped with all having COVID. As you will read, they have all been very fortunate to have reasonably mild symptoms, all in all.
Having covid 19
It started on my first week - I did a test in the morning, it shot up to positive really quick. I was scared. Then I had heard I have to spend 10 Days in the house! I couldn’t believe it! The first day was boring.
Second day just played in my room on my phone and Oculus/VR and I got kind of bored. So far I was only coughing in the morning and evening and a tiny bit through out the day. Day 3 I got to go on the computer but I didn’t. On day 4 I went on the computer, then my Mum walked in and said Oscar my friend has Covid like me because he came over the day before we found out I have it; and so I spoke to him every day to see how he is feeling. So far he is not too bad, neither am I. But yesterday (day 6) I found out that I didn’t have it any more because I was negative; so that was great news but I still had to do 10 days in quarantine. I have been playing on the computer with Oscar from his house. By the way, day 5 nothing happened but I did get a new phone a Samsung galaxy A12, and it is great it is the biggest phone I have ever had.
My brother
My brother also got covid - he was hit worse than me. I don’t know why he has been coughing more.
Also binge watching a lot of Netflix on his TV.
He was also pretty mad for the first 2 days. We (when I say we I mean me and my Mum) were not too happy by this, especially my Mum. But he is a bit better now which is really good for everyone.
This bit is not long because I don’t know what my brother has been up to that much, sorry Grammy.
And maybe Grandad.
My Mum
A few days after I got covid, my Mum was not feeling the best - her voice like just disappeared! I did play some board games with her which we both enjoyed, I hope. Like Olek my brother she was hit pretty bad with covid. She was coughing in the morning and evening like me and she had a hard time sleeping she said. Mum is also feeling better I am pretty sure which is great.
Grammy, I hope you like this love you so much, not the most, but hope you enjoy it. 😊
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