Tuesday, 3 July 2018


Am working at the dining table, and even though it's getting darker and colder, I still have the blinds up.

I was thinking thinking thinking about what to write about rolling out a park and ride solution at a tourist spot, and as I thought thought thought, I saw through one of the dining room windows that the sky was a lovely colour.

Ever mindful of the need to take micropauses in my work (yeah, right!) I took photos. A couple of them even involved going to stand outside the back porch! Such an adventurer I am!!

Looks lighter than it was - over to the east above John and Jenny's place and over the lovely hills

To the north, over Peter and Margaret's shed and house, and over our little shed ...

If you look closely, you can see the buds on Joy and Grahame's magnolia.
OK, on with some more work!

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