Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Good progress

Yesterday the offer on the house went unconditional. We've had the builder's report, an inspection by the gas man, and an inspection by an electrician. There are a few things we need to remedy, but they mostly fall within the ambit of fair wear and tear for a 23 year old house.

We plan to get them attended to before we move in - we have offered the vendor the opportunity to settle early which would give us more time to get these things done by tradesmen who are always busy. But it is over to them - you can see in the photos on the previous post that there is still furniture in the house and this is only one thing for them to be doing in their lives. We are not in any hurry - being at Bruce and Gary's is lovely, and we still have Joe with us - also lovely.

I went to look at wallpaper yesterday and found one that I am pretty sure I will use on a feature wall behind our bed. It will look yummy with the red duvet covers (formerly in the red room at Cherswud B&B).

Here it is

On Saturday we bought a fold down queen-sized bed for the office/spare room - reduced from $4000 to $1000, so definitely a bargain. It comes with two sets of shelves that are not attached to it which will be placed elsewhere in the room. One of the shelving units also has a desk - hopefully that can be David's printer desk, and with one of his large desks for video/film/TV/computers, he should be set!
The fold down bed, folded down. Being delivered in the week after we move in.

The wallpaper search yesterday was originally to find a feature wall paper for behind the fold down bed - our bedroom took precedence though ... I think I may go back to the original idea of painting the wall behind the pull down bed - a deep red appeals.
I liked this, but think it could be a bit overpowering even on one wall in a smallish room.

OK, work to do. I am doing a Post Implementation Review of a project - still some project documentation to read and then three interviews today to prepare for, about 5 tomorrow and one on Friday. Report to be drafted next week. Busy, busy. Not sure I have time to move into the house sooner than 10 December after all ...

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