Saturday, 24 January 2015

Caption competition – entries and results

And now the news you have been eagerly awaiting:


Les Biggs
·      I have asked if the camera could film my good side.
·      David, I've got her up to £2 each for the extras’ fee.

Alf said his entry was prompted by the comments (I think my note to self re batwings may have been what he was referring to)
·      Come fly with me (sorry 8-) )

Jack Potter (renegade Aussie friend)
·      Local commentator shows viewers what she really thinks of Kiwi tourist

Sandy Valentine-Munn (B&B guest at Cherswud, fan of Joe the rockstar chef, all round good person)
·      Fame at last!

Julie Green (good friend and neighbour to our other good friend Lesley from Walderslade, Chatham, Kent)
·      Walderslade residents outraged over offensive sign language aimed at their famous & favourite Kiwi. Marilyn McDonald wins an official apology.

Ken Wilkinson of Hull
·      David, you can stop blowing now, my hair is dry.

Michelle Curnow (who has featured on my blog when she and her partner Taffy came for lunch and to give me a haircut – valiant effort as they called in and saw us when moored near Scholar Green on their way from Glasgow to Wales. Michelle is now coiffure to the star ...)
·      Hey, any of YEW guys know where I can get a decent haircut?


In third place, we have Les Biggs for his second entry:
·      David, I've got her up to £2 each for the extras’ fee

In second place, we have Michelle Curnow:
·      Hey, any of YEW guys know where I can get a decent haircut?

And the winner is the wonderful Julie Green
·      Walderslade residents outraged over offensive sign language aimed at their famous & favourite Kiwi. Marilyn McDonald wins an official apology.

Les, I will make sure you get a lovely glass of NZ sauv blanc when we next catch up – if Jaq says it’s on the approved list for special occasions, of course!

Michelle, as much wine as you can drink next time we are together, whether that’s for my next haircut or when you next visit us in beautifully sunny and balmy Waikanae.

Julie, your prizes will include the best bottle of NZ sauv blanc or bubbles that I can find when next we see you, AND I’ll donate to you one of the packets of gingernuts that ODS won’t be wanting or needing now she is losing so much weight!

Thank you to all our competitors. Stay watching the blog for further opportunities to win fabulous NZ prizes! Next time it might be something made of merino and possum fur, and Lesley can tell you how special and warm such things are!


Unknown said...

Well done Julie, but I don't give up ginger nuts without a fight! Yes sheep and possum fur is very warm. Took friends dog for walk across the fields where she lives, - 6.5 and had to take my hat off because my head got too hot.

Unknown said...

Well done Julie, but I don't give up ginger nuts without a fight! Yes sheep and possum fur is very warm. Took friends dog for walk across the fields where she lives, - 6.5 and had to take my hat off because my head got too hot.

Mrs. Jaqueline Biggs said...

Wow! Les is chuffed indeed by third pace and a promise of a good glass of NZ wine. I am just catching up with blogs as the third course I picked up and the ongoing tech and student issues are sucking up huge amounts of time. I finally--after nearly two months, feel like I can resurface and resume enjoying some of the pleasures in life which include keeping up with friends.
Love and hugs to you both,
Jaq and LesXX