Monday, 5 August 2024

My sister came to visit!

 From Friday to Sunday we had my sister Dee come to stay, and it was just fabulous to have her here.

We didn't do much to entertain her but she did get to sample life here in Parkwood:

  • on Friday afternoon, shortly after she arrived she came with us to a talk by a Bank of NZ man about the latest scams and how to avoid them - it was very well attended and extremely interesting. 
    • Apparently the latest scam doing the rounds is being phoned by someone impersonating a police officer who instructs you that your bank is involved in fraudulent activities and that you need to withdraw money from your credit card account immediately. You mustn't tell anyone and you certainly mustn't tell the bank staff why you are doing so. You are to lie and say you need the money for renovations of somesuch, because the bank staff you interact with are very likely in on the fraud. The banks are aware of this scam and are making sure that their staff interview customers to find out why they are withdrawing so much cash. Obviously some customers get tetchy and are anxious that they are being stopped by fraudulent bank staff, but the staff have to persevere because otherwise people will be scammed out of a lot of money.

  • on Friday evening Dee came to drinks and quiz night - a lot of fun. I tried to be well behaved and quiet, but failed spectacularly in that endeavour... It appears that I cannot stop myself yelling Yes!!! when we get an answer right.

  • on Saturday as a committee member, I was on Notices at the weekly morning tea, so while I did that, Dee and David went for an extensive walk around Parkwood, stopped and spoke with several people, and generally enjoyed the sunshine and lovely grounds.

  • I had promised Dee cheese tart for Saturday dinner, so I made a large one - she loves cheese tart and so do we...

  • Dee was keen to catch up with Bruce and Gary so I got us invited for afternoon tea. I got a chocolate brownie cake out of the freezer (actually the half I had abstemiously frozen to save David and I pigging out on it after the other half had been consumed when we had friends around for dinner).
    • Gary though had made delicious cheese scones (the MoF recipe that I use) and pikelets and other friends had turned up with plain scones, so we ate heaps.
  • We agreed when we came home that we didn't need dinner because of the piggy nature of afternoon tea consumption. But an hour or so later we agreed that a small piece of cheese tart would be in order.
    • so I cut each of us a small piece and heated it and delivered it it: Dee and I were in the lounge and David was taking advantage of Dee not being in the office/bedroom to do a bit of work. Dee and I were happy with the portions I provided but ACP felt very short-changed. So out he came and asked if he could have more. Trusting that he was too full to want much, I said yes.
    • Later I went to cover and refrigerate the cheese tart only to find his SMALL extra piece was the same size as the piece that had fed all three of us originally! Dee and I agreed he would have to have less for brunch the next day...

  •  On Sunday morning we had brunch - not the usual breakfast fare, but cheese tart and coleslaw. We kindly let David have an equal share, by the way. I made a batch of cheese scones for Dee to take back to Kurt and Charlotte.

  • Dee headed away just before noon - it was a short but very lovely stay with us. 

Some non-Parkwood stuff:

  • Mel slept on her bed - Dee and Murray were big fans of Mel, so of course Mel needed to be supporting Dee while she was here.


  • David and Dee have a longstanding close sibling-in-law relationship - it's 50 years since Dee came to live with us for a bit. And they are very close. However, she also gives him a very hard time, just as I do. So if he thinks he'll have it easier while she is here - WRONG!!! Although she does offer him more sympathy than I do.
  • Dee slept on our new armchair sofa beds in the office. David turned off all of the computers/screens/printer and relocated the huge digital clock that can be seen from outer space, so that she wasn't sleeping on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise.

We both had a nana nap after she had gone - the young tire us out ...

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