Wednesday 22 May 2024

The video

Thanks to Irene for her advice and then to David for his converting the video to a format that works.

This is the video that ACP took when I so elegantly exited the kayak. In my defence, I have been having a lot of trouble and pain in my shoulders and arms when levering myself up. Pulling is fine, but levering is definitely not.

Anyway, laugh away - it is funny. And it is a very good thing I returned to the ship before anyone else. Sharing my embarrassment on the blog is one thing, but being seen to be hopeless at exiting by the other kayakers would not have been cool...


Ian and Irene Jameison said...

It works a treat and I had yet another good laugh. Glad we finally got it sorted.

Jenny said...

Good on you going kayaking, I'm sure I wouldn't be brave enough!

Jennie said...

Well done you for having a go. I would have similar problems extracting myself from similar situations. xx

Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Thank you for your encouragement, ladies - I didn't feel brave kayaking - after all, I've been messing about in boats since I was a little kid. But getting out with little leveraging strength in my arms was challenging... I did want to have a lie down halfway through, but the young crew members were keen to get me up and away, bless them!