Saturday 1 July 2023

A grumpy old woman keeping up to date

 When I first started blogging back in 2014 as we took possession of the boat for real (rather than owning it long distance) I posted pretty much every day. Over the intervening time, my performance has diminished, in part because we were back home in NZ and in part because, at times I got pretty busy with work. And at times, I am better at writing the blog in my head (and taking suitable photos with the best of intentions) than I am at getting my fingers on the keyboard!

This trip though, my slack performance has been just slack. At first I was feeling very rough with Covid (and ashamed at not being aware that I actually had it - having misdiagnosed myself with a bad cold), then we were clearing and cleaning up the boat, then away in Cornwall and points south west and then up north in Scotland.

In the last week or so, I have been valiantly working at being a more regular poster. I hope you have noticed!

Last evening and this morning, I have been reading old posts of mine from 2017. I notice that I was a lot perkier then.  I am noticing that I appear to be turning into a grumpy old woman (a GOW). It distresses me because one of my defining characteristics has always been that I am a Yellow Hat person in Edward de Bono's parlance - I am an optimist and I can always see the positives. But at the moment, I feel myself inexorably becoming a Black Hat - a pessimist who thinks that if anything can go wrong it will, or it already has and people just haven't seen it yet.

I don't like being a Black Hat, I don't like it at all! It's a depressing way to be.

I know a good part of it is to do with the parlous state of opposition politics in NZ enabled and encouraged by the media who mistake bagging the government with holding them to account - they do their bagging both mendaciously and by cherry picking pieces of information out of context and then opining about it and pretending it's news, pretending it's factual.

Opposition politics in NZ has taken a trumpian/republican turn especially since the first year that Covid hit our shores. Now as a matter of course, stories are conjured up or old events are resurrected and presented as issues NOW. 

A case in point from this week: Kiri Allen was previously Minister of Conservation. Over a year ago, a staff member ended her secondment in the Minister's Office because apparently Ms Allen 'yelled and screamed' at her - the actual words used in the media... There was no formal complaint made through NZ's comprehensive anti-bullying regs, the CEO of DOC handled it with the Minister and it was all sorted. But now, because our Prime Minister has been having great success re trade etc in China this last week, the Opposition has dredged up this non-complaint, and the ever compliant media have turned it into a 3 ring circus. It became the lead story in the 'news' rather than reporting of the advances Chris Hipkins has made. Reporters have questioned Hipkins about it. He is a sensible man and noted to the media that the event occurred last year, that no formal complaint was made, that it is impossible to discuss sensibly when the person wishes to remain anonymous, he's checked with officials and been assured the issue was sorted, and basically gave the media the message that they were derelict in their duty.

My Black Hat thinking is focused mainly on where this kind of thing leads us to as a country - it's where the USA already is, where the UK is. Where right wing politicians and right wing owned news media distract the populace with non-news, with a view to leading NZ to a right wing government in October's election with no policies declared for examination, no costings to show we can afford these non-policies and where the focus of spend will change from. What we do know is that they intend to reduce taxes on the very well off, and cut services (housing, education, health, social welfare) to fund the reduction in the tax take. As it is already, the wealthy in NZ (and the US and the UK) do not pay a proportionate amount of tax in relation to their incomes. But still they want more, and they are prepared to take it from those with already not enough or only just enough - but let's face it, the rich NEVER have enough.

I am finding this all very depressing - after the advances made by the Labour Government since 2017, the prospect of a National government with no policies except to make the rich richer with the fallacy of the trickle down economic theory, to lock up more people, to lower the number of people in government departments and ministries - leading inevitably to cutting services.

And knowing that otherwise sensible people have swallowed their bullsh*t and parrot the lines they hear, without thinking through what is said, without examining the truth of a situation. It destroys me.

It also destroys me that there is a significant group of NZers who are happy at the prospect of people becoming poorer, of people not being able to afford food for their kids or themselves and who justify that view by tarring all with the brush of laziness/unwillingness to work/a beneficiary their cousin's brother in law knows who smokes and drinks alcohol instead of feeding their kids... The generalising from the specific really riles me! If you hadn't noticed.

So that is my update for today. If you have noticed lately that I have sounded a bit jaundiced, you are right.

I feel the need to invoke the final scenes from Life of Brian and sing Always Look on the Bright Side of Life... sing along here

Tomorrow I will be back on deck, I promise.


Anonymous said...

This Political rant was brought to you with the authority of the New Zealand Liebore Party

Catherine H said...

Australia is not immune either from the same media and policies of the right wing parties.

Bernice said...

Thank you Marilyn,you have eruditely expressed exactly how we have been feeling of late….we thought we were the only ones!! The male member of this touring party has been known to yell at the news and mutter under his breath whilst reading reports so much so I have taken to calling him a Grumpy old man!! Throw into the mix the damn miserable weather which isn’t helping matters at all, we really are concerned at where we are heading.

Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Thank you for your well thought out comment.
I recommend you read and look to see yourself reflected in a few of the paragraphs towards the end of my post, re the people who swallow the bullshit.
As you are clearly a student of politics and perhaps even history, check and see how countries move incrementally towards the right and then into fascism. Look at Italy and Germany in the late 1920s and see the parallels.
And next time you want to comment, please have the courage to identify yourself. After all, I'm 72 years old, 155cm tall and not particularly scary. Surely you don't see yourself as being of less courage and conviction than me.

Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Hi Bernice,
I am so glad to receive your comment - thank you, friend.

It is a scary moment in history that we find ourselves. Makes me quite pleased to be old ...

I will be in touch by email later.


Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Hi Catherine,

I had thought Anthony Albanese may have settled things down a bit in Australia - but the media there is owned by the same people as it is in NZ and the US and the UK.
Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins are both hounded and badmouthed while ineffectual NatAct politicians get away with being plonkers.

And there are racists everywhere it seems - your First Nations people are finally getting a small measure of justice and reparation and that is enough to bring the supposedly upper caste whiteys out of the woodwork to protest at being discriminated against and losing out ...

Cheers, I think ..., Marilyn

NB Holderness said...

Hi Both, I think a healthy dose of skepticism is what will make you less worried about everything. Your comments about supports of groups and ideas like Trump, Johnson, antivaccers etc. give them no credit for their ideas and beliefs. We may think they are crazy and stupid, but from their point of view they see that about our willingness to accept what we are told is true. Everything in the world has become black or white, there is no grey anymore, and nobody can discuss anything anymore, they are right and the others are wrong!
If we all had a much more skeptical view of the world, doubting everything we are told before we can verify it to our satisfaction we would just repeat stupidity that we see or hear on the media. You don;t have to believe everything these people say, and it doesn't make the demons. It also doesn't mean you have to bake cheese scones for them either. Just do your own thing.

Marilyn, nb Waka Huia said...

Hi Tony,
Fear not, I am definitely a skeptic re the media and right wing folk. In fact I am more than skeptical, I am cynical.
One of my concerns is the people in lower and middle socioeconomic groups who believe the right wingers when they say that they will be better off under a conservative government - without doing the maths of tax changes as they apply to them and without considering the effects on them and their kids of cuts to education/health/sport/... budgets.

We do our thing, and part of that is that we have a social conscience - so concern for others less fortunate than ourselves is part of who were are. And that is a hard characteristic to change after 60 or so years of being able to imagine and empathise with people's situations and circumstances.

And cheese scones - they are currency and rapport builders! When we see you, I will make some too - and I am looking forward to Helen's baking as well!
